Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of my model. I feel that my process of work with anatomy constant in mind, as well as building up the model in layers was very helpful and made my work more streamlined and accurate. For my film, when I made the models of the boy and man, I was quite pleased with how they came out, considering they where my first attempts at modelling ever. I can see how I could have improved them and that working without thinking about anatomy led to some inaccuracies. For example, I didn’t add in an extra crease around the eyes, so the characters appear to have no eyelids, and the old man’s lips protrudes e too far from the face. With my model for this assignment I feel that I avoided making any glaring mistakes with the anatomy. I do think I can take more care when sculpting the hair, as the dynamesh connected it in areas that should have been separate strands. Working with a clear process in mind avoided many issues I had when modelling, but when sculpting more complex hairstyles like this one in the future, I will be more aware, and know how to avoid mistakes like that.