Now that we had all found a direction to take our world in that we liked we decided to refine our concepts. We found that creating a narrative for our world helped bring our ideas together.
Our narrative concept was that life withing the Petri Dish is divided. There are good germs, and bad. With the bad germs having infected most of the Petri Dish with parasites and virus, the good bacteria is forced into a corner, living in secrecy and attempting to find a way to concur the evil germs.
Colour Schemes
I found that our in class excersise to practice colour theory greatly helped my decisions when choosing colour schemes for our world, choosing to colour the shapes with intense shadows and colour.
Previously I had designed two areas of the petri dish, the boney caverns, and the salt spires, which we kept as we found the oninimity of these concepts were great for the evil germs environment. We decided that a cancer cell would be the root of the evil in our world, and would be the heart of the petri dish. Form here we explored the use of colour these landscapes would have, in order to properly convey how creepy and dangerous we wanted them to be, with dark gritty colours and textures which i though would compliment the eeire theme we wanted for the villanous landscapes of our microscopic world.
I chose very intense reds, blues and purples to show the danger that the cell represents. In order to properly convery this i made it look very fleshy, with tendrils extending all across the evironment, to show the hold it has on the world. This is emphasised by the no longer purified agar, which ran blood red, showing how the growth has affected the world for the worst.